
13 to 18 year olds


13 to 18 year olds

How can we make the Local Plan greener?

Cotswold District Council is exploring how it can make changes to reach 'Net Zero' carbon emissions by 2045. This will help to tackle climate change, and create a greener, healthier future for everyone.

A key area of our work is to figure out how best to use land in towns, villages and countryside – this is known as Town Planning. The aim is to try and achieve sustainable development which means balancing different social / community, environmental and economic issues when decisions are made on whether a piece of land is built on or not.

We make and use a document called a Local Plan that contains policies on how to achieve sustainable development. We want to update the Local Plan to make sure it has better policies to reduce carbon emissions. This consultation is the start of the journey.

We want to hear from young people like you about how to achieve these changes. Please answer the quickfire questions below. There is then some further information about the main consultation and its 18 planning themes if you are interested.

Flowers and bees image

Town centre image

Make sure to click the yellow next button to submit your comments to the consultation.

We have prepared a one page summary for each of the planning themes if you would like to find out more. Don't forget to come back here and submit you comments.

Please share with you family and friends.

If you would like to find out more about a career in town planning please visit this very helpful webpage https://www.rtpi.org.uk/become-a-planner/about-planning/what-a-town-planner-does/ 

This engagement phase has finished

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